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ARTEK presents: Masters of the Violin -- Corelli & Geminiani
Groupmuse Night Out

ARTEK presents: Masters of the Violin -- Corelli & Geminiani

St. Ignatius Church

Thu, November 17, 2022, at 7:00 PM, EST
(Ticket sales closed Nov 17, 12:00 PM EST)

93 of 100 tickets still available
Vaccine policy
COVID vaccine not required
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COVID testing not required
This is an indoor event
Mask policy
Masks are required for the entire groupmuse
If you feel sick, stay home
Drinking policy
Don't bring your own drinks
Wheelchair access
Not wheelchair accessible

This is a Groupmuse Night Out

Explore the wider world of music outside Groupmuse with exclusive discounts to local concerts.

ARTEK and Groupmuse are teaming up yet again for a Night Out of early music programming--this time featuring Corelli and Geminiani.

This performance begins a three-year collaboration between ARTEK and Italian violinist superstar Enrico Gatti for concerts and workshops on Italian baroque music with this solo recital. The program includes sonatas of Arcangelo Corelli (1653-1713) recently discovered by Mr. Gatti and sonatas of Francesco Geminiani (1687-1762), Corelli’s student who brought the Italian baroque style to London.

More information can be found on the ARTEK website here.

Seat are ticketed for social distancing between parties.

What's the music?

Gwendolyn Toth Harpsichord, Fortepiano, Clavichord, Chamber Organ. Artek Is An Ensemble Of Period Instrument Singers And Instrumentalists.
Loretta O’Sullivan Cello
Enrico Gatti Violin

Arcangelo Corelli (1653-1713)

Sonata II da camera Anhang 39 in A major
Preludio: Adagio – Balletto: Allegro – Corrente: Allegro
from Assisi, Biblioteca del Sacro Convento, ms.177

Sonata X da camera Anhang 47 in g minor
Preludio: Adagio – Alemanda: Allegro – Giga
from Assisi, Biblioteca del Sacro Convento, ms.177

Sonata a Violino e Violone o Cimbalo Anhang 35 in D major
Grave – Allegro – Adagio – Allegro
from Amsterdam, Roger, 1697 and Bologna, Anon. ca. 1700

Sonata a Violino e Violone o Cimbalo op.5 no.9 in A major
(Elaborated version by Francesco Geminiani)
Preludio: Largo – Giga: Allegro – Adagio – Tempo di Gavotta: Allegro
from General History of the Science and Practice of Music by Hawkins, London, 1776)

Francesco Geminiani (1687-1762)

2 Airs with variations:
Auld Bob Morrice (Affettuoso – Allegro)
Lady Ann Bothwel’s Lament (Affettuoso – Allegro)
from A Treatise of Good Taste in the Art of of Musick, London, 1749

Variations on the Sarabanda from Corelli’s op.5 no.7 in d minor
for violin, obbligato harpsichord and bass H.184
from GB-Drc, Ms. E25 – GB-Lcm, Ms. 1172, fol. 49rv

Comments (1)

Comment sections are only for participants.


Betty C.
Anne G.
Madrean S.
Chianti H.
Valerie S.

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