Serena Huang @serenahuangflute


Serena Huang @serenahuangflute



I'm a classically-trained flutist who came to Paris to experience its rich history of flute pedagogy and repertoire firsthand. I received my Master's from Alfred Cortot's École Normale de Musique de Paris, my Bachelor's from Temple University, and a Pre-College Diploma from the Juilliard School. As a soloist and ensemble musician, I've performed at Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, the Kimmel Center, and Salle Cortot. I'm also passionate about teaching, and I love sharing my insights on the flute and flute repertoire with audiences.


Examples of my solo flute repertoire:
French Staples, e.g. Debussy's "Syrinx," Honegger's "Danse de la Chèvre," and Bozza's "Image"
Baroque Music, e.g. the Telemann Fantasies and the CPE Bach Sonata
Lesser Known & Contemporary Works, e.g. Hovhannes' "Meditation on Ardalus," Shulamit Ran's "East Wind," and Crawford's "Peeck at the Kil"

I also look forward to collaborating with other musicians to put together a diverse and comprehensive program!




Ensemble profiles

Upcoming groupmuses

  • Living room

    Trio de flûtes dans le 18ème

    Monday, May 20 7:30 PM CEST

    • Neighborhood: 18ème / Grandes Carrières
    • Instruments: Flute Trio
    • Price: Free to reserve, 15+ € at event

    Spots available


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