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Chelsea Randall


Chelsea Randall full profile / Piano solo / 1 musician

Composers featured: George Walker, Dorothy Rudd Moore

Full program notes

Pianist Chelsea Randall presents a adventurous concert celebrating seldom heard and new works by Black American composers, as part of her "American Mavericks" project. The program will showcase a range of styles and influences, from the moody and tumultuous "Dream and Variations" by Dorothy Rudd Moore and the subtle jazz inflections of “Guido’s Hand: Five Pieces for Piano” by George Walker, to spiky works by Jonathan Bailey Holland and Joyce Solomon Moorman, and a contemplative, atmospheric work by emerging composer Chloe Clarke Smith.


Dorothy Rudd Moore - Dream and Variations (excerpts) (1974)

Joyce Solomon Moorman - A Summer Afternoon in South Carolina. 3rd Movement (1983)

Jonathan Bailey Holland - Two Part Inventions for Piano (1993)

Chloe Clarke Smith - The Forest (2013)

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