Allegra Ludwig @allegraludwig

Violin, Fiddle

Allegra Ludwig @allegraludwig

Violin, Fiddle


Allegra is a graduate of Interlochen Arts Academy and Duke University, where she studied violin performance under Hal Grossman and Eric Pritchard, respectively. A former concertmaster of the Duke Symphony Orchestra, Allegra has played as a section violinist with the Traverse City Symphony, Durham Symphony, Raleigh Symphony, Boulder Chamber Orchestra, and Colorado MahlerFest Orchestra. She has performed as a chamber musician in venues around the world including Vienna, Prague, Budapest, Salzburg, Malta, and throughout Europe. In 2007, she received her MA from the University of Colorado at Boulder and is the co-owner and co-founder of the classical chamber music group Front Range Strings and the Irish band Banthom House. Allegra also performed in a nationwide tour as the lead violinist and female vocalist for The Blind Cafe Orchestra from 2009-2013. Her Irish band's debut EP, the five-track self-titled album Banthom House, was released in 2022 and can be found on all streaming platforms.


Performing a wide variety of musical genres including classical, baroque, and traditional folk tunes (Irish, Celtic, Scottish, Cape Breton, and bluegrass).



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Past groupmuses (1)