Andrew Egbuchiem @countandy


Andrew Egbuchiem @countandy



Mr. Andrew Chukwuka Egbuchiem made his opera debut with the Brooklyn Opera Works in 2016 under the tutelage of Lina Tetriani performing several roles as the Sorceress in Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas and participated in the Amherst Early Music Festival’s Erismena by Cavalli in 2017. Andrew’s most recent performances were as a soloist with the Vertical Players Repertory Brooklyn in a secular oratorio “The Constitution” by Ben Yarmolinsky and a soloist in Pergolesi’s Magnificat and Charpentier’s Messe de Minuit pour Noel with the Brooklyn Philharmonia Chorus in December 2019.
Amongst Mr. Egbuchiem’s awards are a second place in the Classical repertoire category by the American Protégé International Vocal Competition 2018 and a bronze prize winner at the New York Classical Music Artists International Voice Competition in May 2019. He was the audience prize winner for the 2020 World Bach Competition by the Boulder Bach Festival and third prize at the Music competition online 2020 in France.


Opera, Classical Music and Nigerian Art Music



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