James Dargan @jamesdargansongster

voice (baritone).

James Dargan @jamesdargansongster

voice (baritone).


I think I'm addicted to music, and I blame it partly on my parents, and partly on my outrageous good luck: I grew up in the South, in a cocoon of creative professional artists, and every time I've thought of doing something else with my life, I realized that there's nothing I love so much as music.
My second love is literature, so being a singer is natural for me; beautiful words melded with lovely music is my drug of choice, and I LOVE to share it with people. I hope I get to share it with you, the person who's reading this right now!
A note about my videos: they're both from an awesome project called Sonic Blossom, mounted at the MFA from March into April of 2015.
Eight singers were chosen from many auditioners, and tasked with wearing a gorgeous handmade robe and offering whomever we wanted the gift of a song amidst beautiful art--in this case, Schubert songs!
These videos were from my last Sonic Blossom shift, and are extremely emotional for me, because in the first one, I sing Nacht und Träume to my mother, and in the second one, I sing Du bist die Ruh to a stranger, while my mother sneaks in behind me; the second video was shot first, and my mom FLEW UP FROM NORTH CAROLINA to surprise me at my last shift, so (after I'd processed some of my shock) I had to sing to her. I still get goosebumps every time I remember that day.


I'll gladly sing (and play) anything from early music like pre-Bach and Handel to romantic stuff like Brahms and Schubert, to ultra-modern stuff written yesterday, along with Broadway stuff from any period.
Pieces I'm particularly interested in singing:
Schubert, especially Winterreise
Brahms, especially his Four Serious Songs
Butterworth's Songs from A Shropshire Lad
Vaughan Williams' Songs of Travel
Lots of Mahler songs
and Faure
I'm also in love with opera by Verdi, Massenet, Handel, and Rameau, among others, so you'd certainly get a well rounded program, no matter what kind of music you prefer.
I'm also a composer myself, so if I can't find something out there to suit my mood, I'll write it myself!
