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Groupmuse and Art show closing Party @ Retreat

Lower Haight, SF

Sat, January 7, 2023, at 6:30 PM, PST

21 of 50 spots still available
Vaccine policy
COVID vaccination required (honor system)
Testing policy
COVID testing not required
This is an indoor event
Mask policy
Masks are required for the entire groupmuse
Greeter checks
Greeter will confirm safety precautions
If you feel sick, stay home
Drinking policy
Bring your own drinks
Wheelchair access
Wheelchair Accessible

This is a groupmuse

A live concert in a living room, backyard, or another intimate space. They're casual and friendly, hosted by community members.


Retreat is very excited to once again host a Groupmuse on January 7th from 6:00 - 9:00PM. This event is in conjunction with the closing of our latest art show by Bay Area mixed media artist
Sarah Altaires. If you haven't been to a Groupmuse, it is a mini classical concert right in our backyard! You will need to register @ www.groupmuse.com to attend for $5, and there is a minimum suggested payment for the musicians of $20 on the night of in cash or you can donate via the app. All the $$ collected goes 100% to the musicians. Please come by to mingle, have a glass of wine, hear gorgeous music, and support local artists and musicians!


What's the music?

Blue Heron Duo Flute and Guitar Duo

Histoire de Tango, for Flute and Guitar by Astor Piazzolla (A lively piece based on Piazzolla's vision of the evolution of Tango music.)
I. Bordel
II. Cafe
III. Nightclub

Blue Heron 1 Suite, by Ross Thompson (An introspective piece paying homage to the California redwood forest.)
I. Approaching
II. Arrival
III. Gnarled
IV. Up
V. Plainsong
VI. Fast

Mountain Songs for Flute and Guitar, by Robert Beaser (Through-composed songs based on folk music from the Appalachia.)
I. Barbara Allen
II. The House Carpenter


Exact address sent to approved attendees via email.

Comments (1)

Comment sections are only for participants.


Scott C.
Janice Ellen B.
Tana L.
Berkeley E.
Sarah W.
Mitchell R.
Cynthia C.
Linda H.
Rupesh R.
Robert Z.
Simon B.
Theresa C.
Makaile B.
Allison K.
Tal Lee A.