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Of Monks and Maidens: Heggie and Barber-- American Art Song

Of Monks and Maidens: Heggie and Barber-- American Art Song

Mission District, SF

Sat, April 27, 2024, at 6:45 PM, PDT

Pay the musicians
64 of 75 spots still available
Drinking policy
Bring your own drinks
Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks provided
Wheelchair access
Wheelchair Accessible
Some stairs may be present in the space
Kid-friendly event

This is a groupmuse

A live concert in a living room, backyard, or another intimate space. They're casual and friendly, hosted by community members.


"Song" is not particular to any particular local. Every place has a tradition of musical storytelling. Samuel Barber (20th Century) and Jake Heggie (21st Century) are two extraordinary artists that have gifted us with stories from the 8th to the 17th century. Come hear past as present!

Nicole and I have been preparing archived observations of ancient monks and the imagined narratives of Shakespeare's Ophelia. Come listen to what they have to say to us today.

An additional note about this music is that both the piano and the voice are balanced. Both are soloistic but come together to communicate the whole. Even so, it’s terrific that Nicole will be playing piano solos to provide transition and atmosphere. Chopin’s op 28 no 15 will invite us into the stories. Scriabin’s Prelude Op 16 No 1 will cradle and comfort Ophelia. And two movements of Beethoven’s Pathetique will round out the program.

This space has a long standing tradition of welcoming children. They may not have a focused interest in the musical offerings (!) but they are welcome to sit with you in the back chapel with the stuffed animals where you can listen to the music with them. You are welcome to color with the crayons as well. (^_^)

What's the music?

Songs and Sonnets to Ophelia:
Jake Heggie has created and continues to create an impressive cannon of art song; many of you may know his internationally acclaimed operatic works. In this cycle, he champions Ophelia from Hamlet tracking her relationship from hopeful beginnings to the inevitable end. Jake, as is often the case, recasts the heroine with strength and perception.

Hermit Songs:
Samuel Barber took great care to only publish what he was most proud of. From his Adagio for Strings, to choral works, to Art Song. This is a setting of several texts written in the 8th through 11th century by monks. they were found in the margins of the pages they were illuminating. Kind of old school side bar conversations or graffiti. We look forward to giving you a few snapshots of the cloistered life. I think you will see that their commentary is contemporary to our time.

Beethoven, Scriabin and Chopin? Rich harmonies, memorable melody lines. Nicole gets to stretch out and enjoy the richness of this music without soprano interference!!

Where does this music come from?

Art Song is a western classical term and it continues the practice found in many musical traditions of sharing a story or poem on a small stage. An operatic aria is meant for a large hall. These songs are meant to be shared at a closer range.


Exact address sent to approved attendees via email.


Comment sections are only for participants.


Jeff C.
Natalie Z.
Richard M.
Emily Z.
Beatrice K.
Jack M.
Susan W.
Rochelle E.