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A Journey through Genres


Kayla Williams full profile / Viola, Voice, Piano and Bass / 3 musicians

Composers featured: Mozart, Bach, & Wayne Shorter

Other players: Chris McCarthy & Dan Pappalardo

Full program notes

Wayfaring Stranger- traditional
Romance, Op.23, Amy Beach
Squirrel Hunters, traditional
Sylvia, Kayla Williams & Chris McCarthy
Blackest Crow, traditional
Sense of Self, Kayla Williams & Chris McCarthy
Gold & Silver, Hallow Bones
African Queen, Horace Silver
Reverie, Debussy Arr. Keoni Bolding

Historical context

The Kayla Williams Trio explores a multidisciplinary approach to
contemporary chamber music. The ensemble strives to bridge the gaps between classical, jazz, folk, and roots music, bringing each of these musical communities into conversation and collaboration.

Kayla Williams, violist, vocalist, composer, and the group’s founder,
created the ensemble while looking for a way to get back to some of
her earliest experiences in music, where the boundaries between genre and style were often much more permeable than they appeared during her classical training.

In performing repertoire from traditional fiddle tunes to works by Amy
Beach, William Grant Still, Paul Wiancko, Horace Silver, and Kayla
Williams’ own original compositions, the Kayla Willams Trio is
exploring a novel way of creating chamber music, focused on
investigating commonalities rather than differences across a broad
range of musical idioms.