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Women Composers


Melanie Chirignan full profile / flute and guitar / 2 musicians

Composers featured: Hoover, Walker, Aubert

Full program notes

Close to Home Gwyneth Walker
A Curious Dream Bengisu A. Önder
Peruvian Suite Laurel Zucker
Canyon Echoes Katherine Hoover

Time Goes On Mari Kotskky
Gravity Falling Concetta Abate
Premier Rendez-Vous Alexandra Aubert
Victoria and Lilas de Agua Karina Contreras

Videos from this player

Audio from this player

Peruvian Suite IV. Zipline by Laurel Zucker for flute and guitar

Vicoria by Karina Contreras for flute and guitar

Two Hearts by Alice Gomez

Close to Home III. Rhythms by Gwyneth Walker

Gravity Flying by Concetta Abbate

Other programs from this ensemble