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Literary Lullabies


Charlie Rauh full profile / solo acoustic guitar / 1 musician

Full program notes

I will be performing original solo guitar compositions from my albums, The Bluebell, Angels Of Annunciation, and A Hymn To The Morning. These miniature lullabies all take influence from the literature of Emily and Anne Brontë, Anne Morrow Lindbergh, and Phillis Wheatley - with musical undertones gleaned from baroque, medieval, and impressionist eras. The music is accompanied by explanations and discussions on how the writing of these authors inspires this music, and how literature in general can be a wonderful avenue into composition.

Historical context

The lullaby form is a fascinating musical delivery to me, and combining its ancient roots with literary inspiration which spans hundreds of years yields an approach to solo guitar composition that encapsulates entire generations within a moment in sound. I view this approach as a magnifying glass - a way to explore the history of music and literature by looking closely at the minutia which defines the identity of each.

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