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Solo Piano: Exploration of Modern Sounds


Magnus Villanueva full profile / Piano / 1 musician

Full program notes

Recombinant part I (2017), Wang Lu
Piano Étude no. 12: Entrelacs (1993), György Ligeti
St. François d'Assise: La prédication aux oiseaux (1863), Franz Liszt
Homenatge (2011), Tania León
Catalogue d'oiseaux: Le Loriot (1956-58), Olivier Messiaen
Piano Étude no. 5: Toccata (2003), Unsuk Chin, 3:00

This program highlights contemporary aesthetics and the evolution of modern pianistic virtuosity. The central theme in inspired by the natural world. Works by Liszt and Messiaen rely on birdcalls and imagery of landscapes. While, “Recombinant part 1” resonates with the rates of extinction, expressing almost lament-like, the irreversible winding down process of precious life, but also celebrates an imagined eternal freedom through the blossoming of pianistic virtuosity. “Homenatge” by New York’s own Tania León captures the essence of the busy, sometimes hectic city life with a unique take on Spanish rhythm and harmony. Etudes by Ligeti and Chin bring a fun and dazzling energy, combining fresh perspectives on classical piano technique.

Historical context

Piano music has evolved in incredible ways throughout the 20th and 21st centuries. The trajectory of jazz in particular has opened up harmonic and rhythmic forms that composers like Ligeti, Chin, and Leon draw from in their compositions. In their music, I hear harmonies and polyrhythms evocative of jazz greats, Bill Evans and Chick Corea. The pieces in this program are inspired by global musical techniques from Asia and Africa combined with a nod to traditional pianism developed by Chopin and Liszt. In addition, the rise of great women composers and composers is highlighted by works by Lu, Leon, and Chin.

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