Nataly Merezhuk


Baltimore, MD
3 Played at 3 groupmuses!

Nataly Merezhuk



Graduated from the Central Music School in Moscow, then attended the Moscow State Conservatory for three years before transferring to Peabody (JHU). I have been playing classical violin my whole life and started playing in other genres such as folk, bluegrass, gypsy jazz and the like a couple of years ago. I'm interested in playing any kind of music, I'm a fast sight reader, can play by ear and improvise!


Bach Sonatas/Partitas
Paganini violin caprices
Ysaye violin sonatas (2 & 4)
Various show pieces (e.g. Kreisler, Wieniawski, Paganini, Sarasate, etc.)
Violin concertos (Tchaikovsky, Sibelius, Mendelssohn, Mozart\)

Various violin sonatas (Beethoven, Mozart, Debussy, Prokofiev)
Various string quartets (Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Brahms...)
Various piano quartets (Faure, Mahler...)

Ensemble repertoire can vary in genre and include folk and jazz compositions.

Always expanding my repertoire, preparing something new is not a problem.


Past groupmuses (3)

  • Classic & Jazz by the fire

    Saturday, Feb 3, 2018 7:00 PM EST

    • Neighborhood: Northwest Washington, Washington
    • Instruments: String ensemble
    • Price: $5 to reserve, $20+ at event

    Happened about 7 years ago

  • Mark's second groupmuse

    Sunday, Nov 12, 2017 7:00 PM EST

    • Neighborhood: Glen, Baltimore
    • Composers: Ravel, Borodin
    • Instruments: String quartet
    • Price: $5 to reserve, $20+ at event

    Happened over 7 years ago

  • Muse on the Hill!

    Sunday, Jul 30, 2017 4:00 PM EDT

    • Neighborhood: Northeast Washington, Washington
    • Price: $5 to reserve, $20+ at event

    Happened over 7 years ago