Evan Ritter
Website: evanritterpiano.com
A graduate of the Eastman School of Music, Evan received his Bachelor of Music in Piano Performance and a double Master’s Degree studying Piano Performance and Literature, and Piano Accompanying and Chamber Music. At Eastman, his primary teachers were Dr. Douglas Humpherys and Dr. Jean Barr.
He is currently based in Austin, Texas where he teaches full-time at the Clavier-Werke Music School.
I play everything!
Past groupmuses (3)
Virtual Livestream
Soundscaping, Where Classical Music Meets Dream Pop
Saturday, Jul 18, 2020 2:00 PM EDT
- Neighborhood: New York, NY
- Composers: Cage, McGuire, Boulanger
Instruments: Violin, Bass, Pianos
- Price: $5 to reserve, $10+ at event
Happened over 4 years ago
Saturday, Aug 3, 2019 4:30 PM EDT
- Neighborhood: Heritage Drive
- Composers: Francis Poulenc
Instruments: Duo with piano
- Price: $5 to reserve, $20+ at event
Happened over 5 years ago
Violin, Piano, and an Original Composition!
Tuesday, Mar 12, 2019 7:00 PM EDT
- Neighborhood: West Village, New York
- Price: $5 to reserve, $20+ at event
Happened almost 6 years ago