Elena Seselgyte


Elena Seselgyte



I was born in the artistic musicians and artists family. My childhood and youth were surrounded by music, paintings, arts, photography. I understands the importance of combined factors what makes a good and exceptional artist. And so, I have it all.

I am Lithuanian pianist with an outstanding international career. Graduated Brussels Royal Conservatory of Music (BA and MA degrees). Then I was continuing my musical education in Vienna Music University. During the studies and especially after completing it, I began to have concerts worldwide- in Belgium, Austria, Poland, Italy, France, Lithuania, USA, Japan.


I have a special interest in Baroque epoch, J. S. Bach is one of my favourite composers. It is deep and meaningful, but at the same time the music stays reserved and conservative.
Recently, I discovered A. Schoenberg. His music's complexity is very inspiring, and I find it interesting and unique to compare his music with Baroque epoch.

