Rosalind Zhang


Rosalind Zhang



Toronto-native Rosalind Zhang is a multi-instrumentalist, educator, and performer who credits her colourful experiences to her artistic upbringing. With a family of musicians, she grew up to the sound of music in her household, and began lessons as soon as she was able to reach the piano bench. Several years later, a desire to make music with others was recognized and cello was added as a second instrument. She spent her formative years immersed in a fast-paced curriculum that strived for both artistic and academic excellence at the Claude Watson School for the Arts, where she received additional training in acting, improvisation, movement, visual arts, creativity, and dance.


Classically-trained, stemming from European composers of the 17th-20th century. Also exploring jazz standards and creative improvisation :)



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Upcoming groupmuses

  • Living room

    Magic cello and piano

    Friday, May 3 7:00 PM EDT

    • Neighborhood: Roncesvalles,Toronto, Ontario
    • Instruments: Piano & Cello
    • Price: C$5 to reserve, C$20+ at event

    Spots available


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