Duo Envol @duoenvol

Flute and Cello Duo

Capital Region, NY
3 Played at 3 groupmuses!

Duo Envol @duoenvol

Flute and Cello Duo


Duo Envol features Melanie Chirignan on flute, and Laura Melnicoff on cello. We met through the Groupmuse community! As neighbors in New York’s Capital Region, we’ve combined our shared passion for undiscovered gems of music and undiscovered gems of performance venues. The gorgeous local natural landscape is also a shared inspiration, and we can often be found playing music with themes of nature. “Envol” is French for “flight” and “soaring,” and we invite you to join us on our travels.


Our performances feature music that is rooted in the Western Classical tradition, jumping off in all the many directions the genre has offered. We love the court music of Bach and the salon music of Devienne; we also have arranged tangos by Piazzolla and Gardel, as well as commissioned new work, such as “Cumulus Reverie” by New York composer Philip Spaeth. Our concerts also feature works for each of our own instruments, and we especially love to program recent, genre-bending pieces for solo cello and solo flute.



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